Today was Monday and that means I got to tutor T. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks due to a week and a day of snow then last Wednesday all after school events were canceled due to....more snow! I called the school and let them know he needed to get on the bus due to weather warnings. He called my cell that evening and said, "Mrs. P......what happened?!?!"
I let him know there was snow in the forecast and sure enough he was out of school the next day.
That brings us to today. He was in the office about to call me when I arrived. The test he and I studied geometry for the last I saw him-well, he made a 90% I was so happy. I was so elated. I was so shocked!
So while we were reading the Hunger Games today I saw an old student in the library. I said, "Oh, that's J I had him a few years ago." T said, "I wonder if he remembers you?" So I wave big and say, "Hey J!" He looks confused so I say, "It's me Mrs. P"
He gets a surprised happy look on his face and runs over. I said, "What grade are you in now??" He said, "7th!" I said, "wow, it's been 3 years already!" He said, "Ya! I didn't recognize you with those hair clip ins!"
I said, "Oh....J....this is my real hair! It's just blonde now."
We talked some more and then he left. When he got out of sight I looked at T and we just died laughing. Died. Could not stop. I looked at T and said, "I swear this is my real hair!" Then we bursted out laughing again.
A little later we were reading the part of the book that describes Cinna and his gold eyeliner. I close my eyes and show T what eyeliner is. I said, "See I wear brown eyeliner." He leans in and really takes a look at it. Then he asks, "Mrs. P are your lashes real?!"
I erupt into laughter again. I say yes my lashes are real and I don't wear Hair clip ins!
It was a good day. We then went to the bank. to the gas station. Through the car wash. Then I took him home. He laughed and played on his phone exactly like my M and W did the whole time. He has grown incredibly close to my kids and his progress is beyond what I could have imagined.
It was a good tutoring day-clip in hair and all!
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