Have you ever wanted to lose 10 pounds, and 10 years later you still want to lose that 10 pounds? The funny thing is if I lose 3 or 5 pounds I still want to lose 10 more! How many of us in our mid 30s are dying to weigh in our 120s? When I got married I entered the 130s zone and have resided there for most of my adult life. I have had fleeting moments of visiting the 120s but my body always goes back to the comfort of the 130s. In many ways I'm lucky. I remind myself my weight is some woman's goal weight! Also, I realize muscle weighs more than fat (not that I'm made of muscle because I'm not!)
There comes a time in one's life when you just want to capture that goal you've been chasing for a long time. I remind myself everyday if I don't change things then things won't change. I have a massive sweet tooth. I love cookies-all kinds. Cupcakes are my favorite. I live to have my cake, decorate it, and eat it too! So yes things could be worse. I am learning to obtain my goal I have to abide by what I know-it's a lifestyle choice.
So here's my plan of attack. As every writer begins to accomplish any goal-Buy a great journal. Yes I already have a food journal actually more than one. They are packed with spotty entries that have years between each entry. So I wanted a fresh start. Something that calls-Write in Me! I found this journal at Target. I titled it Feeling Golden-The "Weighting" Game
The next thing I did was to try something I heard in an interview with Carrie Underwood (my fitness hero!) She gave herself stickers as rewards for having a great day. For me this is journaling what I ate, sticking to my calorie goals, and doing any form of exercise that day.
I am realizing that logging what I eat is so important. The little things-dressing, cheese, ketchup, a glass of milk add up. Writing it down helps me gage what is appropriate and what is pushing me over the calorie edge. I also LOVE My Fitness Pal and it is easier than ever to log because it has a bar code scanner. You can just go in your pantry or fridge and scan the containers, which is so much fun for me haha!
We have a little motto my husband and I and that is Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail! So make lists and plan ahead. What snacks will you grab when you don't feel like cooking? What meals will you eat? How many? 3 big ones or 5 small ones? I made a pinterest board of 100 calorie foods, 200 calorie foods to help me plan ahead and keep some healthy ideas on the back burner.
The next 2 things seem so simple but is the hardest-Eat healthy and exercise. For me the eating healthy is accomplished at the grocery store rather than the kitchen. I know if I buy certain things I WILL eat them when I am bored, stressed, etc. Like sour cream and onion Pringles-I love them so much that I can't buy them. I am currently trying to pick things that are protein packed-almond butter, nuts, greek yogurt, boiled eggs...
I am telling myself ahead of time I know as soon as I finish this salmon salad I will still be hungry so I drink a big glass of ice water when I'm done.
The last thing is the most important. We don't just feed the body but the mind and soul. When I am tempted to eat and I know I am not hungry, I will turn to my devotional (The Frazzled Female currently), my Bible, or researching healthy food and exercises on Pinterest, or call a girlfriend to vent. Keep the spirit strong and the mind and the body will show it as well.
I have to say this. This year I have dealt with terrible pain due to 18 years of Endometriosis, painful ovulations that began after my son was born, and a diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis. After being informed about what IC even was (I had no idea) I was told there is no cure and you have to give up many of my favorite foods, drinks if I wanted the Bladder Pain to get better. I had no support. I didn't want to talk about it to others because it seemed a very private problem-who wants to vent about their uterus and bladder??? I made the choice after an abnormal pap along with these other issues to see a Cancer Dr and get a total hysterectomy. I left with 5 scars on my abdomen and a different body that needed hormones. I don't think anyone really understands this unless you have gone through it. My body is not perfect. It is not the same as when I was 18 or 21 or even 30. But that doesn't mean I can't try to make it better.
After all I have been through....I give myself a pass. A pass to start a new and keep restarting if I need to. A pass to be the support I need. So here is to losing the weight once and for all! And Cheers to the "weighting" game and feeling golden!
Right there with ya, sister! We got this!!
ReplyDeleteTiff you have inspired me as always! I miss being able to call you and go run, walk, go to the gym with you at 5AM on a workday! But I am forever grateful for such an inspiring friend like you :)