Thursday, July 24, 2014


Ever feel like throwing a tantrum? I had the worst temper tantrums as a kid. It became my M.O. ("modus operandi," Latin for method of operation)

I tortured my poor older sister.

And she was still my angel all growing up.

Most people say I got the temper from this lady:

My namesake and aunt I love more than life itself.

My mom was the most nurturing soul ever despite my tantrums. Not the baking and cleaning kind, that's too boring for her (although she did teach me everything I know about cooking)-the passing on her writing gene by supplying me with journals she personally decoupaged, the sending cards everyday I was gone to visit my aunt during the summer, the reading Where the Red Fern Grows aloud every night until the Red Ferns Grew! She humored me and felt mostly I could do no wrong.

She passed on the never ending patience, nurturing, loving, nature from the start.

Even when I pooped all over her.

How the heck is anyone that freaking skinny after having a baby anyway? And WHY didn't I get that gene??

Anyhoo, now I can't slam doors, tear the covers off my bed, throw shoes at the door. I have to be an adult-self controoool. So I walk the dog and look at the sky. I go for a drive. I watch a funny movie. I keep silent and focus on not exploding!

Mostly I think a huge gourmet cupcake would help too.

Dieting is not for the weak of heart. Day 5 is wearing on me. I am considering doing a cheat day where I DO stick to the 1200 calories however I eat 1200 calories of this:

Forget the broccoli, and fish, and almond butter I could just have this around noon:

Heck I could still have a 100 calorie breakfast!

Oh well a girl can dream. For now I will be going off to bed to get on to day 6 and NOT throwing an "I want a cupcake" tantrum!!

ps. Mom, I'm sorry for putting your boob on the internet.....again.

pps. I AM an avid supporter for breast feeding however!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my boobs were great back then. And I lost that skinny gene when menopause hit, so there is balance in life. LOL! Love you!! xo
