I mentioned a few days ago, Why do they call it "Stay at HOME mom?" I have completed my first week as this "Stay at home" mom and I have never used so much gas in my life. First, there is the driving to and fro to get the kids to school and back. I have to admit the car line was daunting at first. It requires a lot of patience. If you arrive early there is a lot of waiting. If you arrive on time you are at the end of a long line so there's waiting and if you arrive late....well I haven't the courage to even attempt that yet. Having to get to work before the students and leaving sometimes at the wee hours of night did have an advantage-no car line! But I think I have it mastered now.
The best part of my wait is if I score this spot under this great shady magnolia:
I have to say I anticipate picking the kids up each day. I can't wait to see that recognition in their eyes when they see me waiting in the car. I love when they come all aglow to see me after school each day. Then they give me selective details about their day before they resort to the movie or iPad. This is especially entertaining with my middle schooler. She is a new being now that she is in middle school. One that is totally relatable and very dramatic. One that is full of emotion and feelings.
I was in no hurry the first day of school. I relished it for the first time in a while.
I was super emotional and reflective of my sweet babies versus the mature kids they have become.
During the week we dove into spelling words and weekly homework.
I did many things I have dreamed I would get to do sans job, like eat a relaxing breakfast:
Take a relaxing bike ride:
Which lead to me not being to be able to stand upright for 2 days.....
I got to visit friends. I signed up for many many things for the upcoming weeks:
I got to make myself a decent lunch:
I was able to cook dinner without killing myself.
And I have never been more tired in my life. I would say I am equally tired and busy but much much less stressed! I think.
Walking the dog every morning and getting out to exercise was truly the highlight of my week.
Along with this text between my husband and I:
True to form I tend to over do things rather than under do them :) I am learning the hard way that volunteering is good and bad :) I will be at Warner's school a lot next week. At least 3 days helping put together their teacher book room and for parent night. I will also be at Mary's for parent night and field day possibly. We have attended every meeting/social event at the schools so far....we are exhausted. But it is so worth it to me.
Every morning the kids go into school with a smile. At Mary's school every student has to have an iPad and bring it 100% charged each day to work on. She has already shown me things about the iPad that I never knew.
Warner made a 105% on his first spelling test and I've already made an appearance per his request at lunch. I have fallen asleep the past few nights as soon as my head has hit the pillow. I didn't lose a pound last week actually gained the last one back :/ But I am enjoying my life. Every detail. I am learning by trial and error to find a balance. Ironically what I did not get done that I had hoped to have time to do is keep the house clean and laundry done! Oh well, I can try again next week.
Ironically I got this in the mail today:
I had to giggle and say to myself, "Yes, yes it will be my best year yet!" Why would NEA send this after I quit the teaching profession and never before! Haha that's education for ya.
And came home from Church and a movie to this small disaster!
But that's life! You deal as you go!
This is my motto this year and I will do my best to do it-
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