Today I got to be a teacher. No, I wasn't in a classroom. I was actually playing with the dog between doing laundry and cleaning,
waiting on the cable man ALL DAY (still waiting), picking up the kids. But when I got home I had an email from my old school secretary that a parent of one of my girls called and left a message for me to call them. To tell you the truth it didn't surprise me. Of all things I did right as a teacher it was build the kind of relationships that students and parents felt they could call on me years after they were gone.
So I called and it wasn't really a parent but the Grandmother of one of my girls from last year. The reason she called? She wanted to talk :) She wanted to tell me how much T loved me and talks about me still. She wanted to tell me how surprised she was that her grand baby had THREE teachers this year. We talked for a little while. I asked how the year was going. I asked her to relay a message of how much I missed T. And then we were done.
I realized when you are a teacher. You are always a teacher. No one takes the relationships away, the things you learn about life, the knowledge you acquire. I enjoyed the moment of being in teacher mode. It made me realize that this profession if done right is permanent. It sticks with you.
On another note I have a great Mary story. When I pick her up I always ask about lunch, recess, the fun stuff first. Then we get down to the nitty gritty. Mary brought left overs for lunch today.
Last night was clean the fridge out for dinner night so I invented a new pasta. It has a meat, spinach, garlic, onion base:
With a red sauce then baked topped with parmesan and mozzarella. Don't ask what it's called! I don't know, but the family liked it.
So last night I really was wanting to make homemade peanut butter cookies. When you think you have nothing possible to bake you can alway make these! Who doesn't have flour, peanut butter, honey, sugar, and butter?? No one that lives in the South that's who!
Any way I was so proud to whip up these peanut butter cookies:
The thing I love most about making peanut butter cookies is the fork marks. I don't know who started it but I remember clearly my mom doing it and me wanting to help smash the marks in the cookie as my kids do now.
Well after we were home for a while Mary said, "Oh mom, I forgot to tell you something else about lunch today. I showed K my cookie at lunch and said HASHTAG!"
This tickled me so much. Who knew all these decades we were hash tagging our peanut butter cookies!
I guess it's been around longer than we knew! Love it! I love when the old meets the new. Goes to show again how some things never really go away!
From now on I'm making # cookies
LOL! Who knew the 4th generation of PB cookie makers would give them a new name...hashtag cookies. I have no idea why we only do that with PB cookies and no others. xo