I remember when I lived in Shreveport, La. It was when my husband was in medical school. There were so many wonderful things about starting our married life there. The people, the people, and the people!
My aunt and Uncle were less that 30 minutes away. My grandmother even less. My cousin lived there. It was easy. When I had my daughter everyone was there. No problem. When I had a terrible stomach virus and had to go to the doctor and was so sick he wouldn't let me drive home, my aunt showed up to get me and drive me home. No problem! She tucked me into bed and then proceeded to do all my laundry and clean my house. She isn't the judging type either that my house was messy. She's the loving serving type. I'm happy to be named after her.
When I had a PTO meeting and had a baby at home my uncle came over to babysit. He missed seeing the Olympics that night because the electricity went off and he was stuck with my 9 month old in the dark the whole time just the two of them. When I got home they were two happy campers and her diaper was on backwards because he changed her in the pitch black house! Haha.
But as we moved away from family I became more and more on my own. When I got the flu while living in Chattanooga I had the blessing of friends. One who brought me chicken noodle soup and food from Panera for me and the kids, another who came and took my children to the zoo and cared for them 2 days straight until I was upright again.
What brings all this to mind? This-
My breakfast, lunch, and dinner for today and my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. The colonoscopy that was brought to my attention that I needed the day of my bad cut and color a couple of months ago. Well, it's that time.
I know many people my age haven't had even one but this will be my third. The first I was only about 5. The second I was in my early 20s after I had M and now my third. Better safe than sorry right?
Anyway, it's times like these when I wish for my "people". Life was so easy when I could call home sick and my mom always dropped everything, checked me out of school and took me home to care for me. Even in college when I had a sore throat my parents drove 45 minutes to bring me homemade freshly baked bread, chicken soup, and some other goodies.
I miss that. I miss having my mom to take care of me instead of always being the mom to take care of everyone. I miss having that person who would drop it all to take care of me when I needed it. It was nice. People who don't expect anything in return. All I have to be is their daughter or their sister or their niece. That's the only requirement!
This morning I just pretty much gave up on this day knowing how shitty it would be (sorry for the pun). I left home to take the kids to school in my Wonder Woman pants. Mary pointed to them as we pulled up to her school and said if you look this way they stand for Wonder Woman. If you turn them upside down it stands for Miraculous Mom!
As I pulled away I thought, "what the heck!" And went straight to get the breaks checked. And as my friend said that I was on the phone with at the time, "and you got out of the car?!?" LOL
I went in and true to adult nature I had to pay $30 so they could tell me, there's nothing wrong with your breaks. Less than an hour. I'm obviously in the wrong business.
Then proceeded to the grocery store in my pants because by now I'm too far gone and got what I needed for today's "prep". Yes it's all over the counter products now!
A nice man walked up to me in my pajama top, wonder woman pants, and my tennis shoes. I have a fleeting thought he may have thought I escaped from the looney bin but instead he was nicely directing me to the Gatorades that just went on sale rather than the ones I was putting in my buggy. And since I just paid $30 for absolutely nothing at the mechanics I have to say I was appreciative!
But all in all I don't feel like being Wonder Woman today or Miraculous Mom. I would love to be just a kid again until after tomorrow and not worry about how to get to the hospital or home or how the kids will get home from school. If I were a kid again all that would be taken care of!
Not to mention the insurance company just called to inform me I have a $5000 deductible and that only $115 has been met on it so far.
So here's to when being an adult includes brake checks, colonoscopies, outrageous deductibles, child care, and sheer exhaustion from just being! But somehow we manage it anyway!
Wish we could be there for you. :-( xo