This title reminds me a little of the song in the Labyrinth.
The part that goes like this:
What babe? The babe with the power! What power? the power of the voodoo. Who do? You do! The power of the babe!
I watched it when I was young. It was around my Fraggle Rock phase :)
Here's a great one of David Bowie:
This picture fits in perfect because today I am blogging about my power in my choices and we so so often give our power away knowingly and unknowingly:
Life is full of them-Choices.
I am amazed that the creator of the universe gave me something so powerful as FREE WILL. Control of my thoughts, actions, and choices.
I am still getting the hang of this stay at home mom thing but recently in the last week I have had this thought lingering in my mind like a recurring dream. A question really. It's about my power. As a woman. As a child that has been granted free will by the creator of the universe. And here it is- Why do I give my power away?
The power to choose what I do each day with my time and my life.
I found this on pinterest:
I just love the solemnity of this picture. The words. I looked up brevity to find more about this and found this definition:
shortness of time.
"the brevity of human life"
shortness, briefness, transience, ephemerality, impermanence
"the brevity of human life"
Shortness of time. I really liked the term "transience" a blatant reminder that we are just passing by and time here on Earth is so fleeting. So precious each day and what we CHOOSE to do with it.
So WHY do we do things we do NOT want to do?? And for people that many times do not matter greatly to us?
Why do we do things that waste our time because we think others want us to, or because of what others will think of us if we do or don't do it. I personally have fallen into this rut this year as a stay at home mom.
I truly had a desire to be IN my home. The stigma of that has forced me OUT of my home. Volunteering for everything, saying I will... because I know they know I'm available. I wanted to cook, to grocery shop, to iron my husband's shirts. I wanted to give to my family for this season to enrich their lives. I wanted to for once do things for myself! And after 2 measly months I've even taken a job! Why? Well I am qualified? I am available? Others wanted me to?
Instead of doing what brings me joy, what I want to, I have fallen into the trap of doing what makes my role seem valuable to outsiders. Being available for all to suck my time and energy and giving them all I have because.....Why? Maybe I felt I owed them because I am staying at home. Maybe I was trying to justify my worth by being "busy" or giving all my extra time to whoever asked first.
But how does that align with my joy?
I come back to this:
Am I living with a joyful heart??
It also makes me ponder what is it about myself that allows me to hand over my power to others so easily?
If I skip a Monday of volunteering I think to myself-"Will such and such think I'm flaky? Unreliable? Not dependent?"
And those thoughts are a sickness of caring TOO much about what others think of me, even others that don't even know me!
Do we make others our master?
It happens everyday. Someone asks something of me and I set aside plans of what I hoped to get done in my home to do what someone asks of me. Here's the short of it. It is MY OWN fault. The world will not stop spinning if I say no.
Could it be that trying to be everything to everyone leaves us feeling as if we are empty, out of gas, and haven't accomplished anything?
Yesterday was Monday. I did go tutor but that is something I truly want to do because:
But I came home after and I took down Halloween decorations.
I did mountains of laundry.
I cleaned my house and rearranged my pumpkins on my dining room table for November.
See, I am the default parent. I don't just know my schedule. I know the family's schedule. I know and respond to the playdate invitations, the parties, the class events.
I make the lunches and lay out the clothes.
I know what books my kids are currently reading because I read to them every night. And when I don't there are tears.
I remind them their father knows how to read also! But they want me the default parent. I hear the word mom hundreds of times a day. If I am in a room they come looking. I do not complain at all. This is what my heart desires. This is what I love and brings me joy. It's when I let outsiders in when I get weak and give my power of choosing joy away to please others. I have always been a people pleaser even after knowing YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE! So I'm working on picking wisely who I give my time and energy to.
My power of thought, choice, reason is mine. Not my husband's, not my children's, not my children's school, mine. Given to me by the one who made me-free will included. I am His and He is mine. It's THAT simple. We are the equation.
So I am improving and learning to control the power of choice and time and free will. I am realizing no matter WHAT I do from day to day, I am enough. I am enough for the Lord of Angel Armies so that's that. I am enough for all. I am doing things this week purposely because I want to and it brings me Joy.
I am spending some time in solitude just being grateful. Grateful for my little furry bundle of joy, for my home, for my love of writing.
For friends that I give to and they give right back.
Grateful for my love of learning and books!
I am being grateful that I love cooking for my family. I am grateful for my children.
I am basking in gratefulness for my relationship I have with my husband.
This time of year. Fall. Thanksgiving. Christmas. It works wonders on my heart. It reminds me out of all the things I do with my time what is truly truly important in my life. It reminds me of the power of traditions, and love, and time.
I am so aware of the power of choice and the gift of free will. I am thankful that the Lord lets me partake in what delights my heart to serve him. I am awed that God has given me power through Him to live a glorious life and make Godly choices as a woman, a mother, a wife. Each day I am learning how to better take control of my power.
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