Monday, November 10, 2014

A Scrap Day

Ever have a day where you just want to give up? Or at least not give up but start over? Today is one of those days. Dealing with life. Marriage. Motherhood (the easiest part).

So instead of posting the explicit Trumpet video that I want to because it is just one of those guilty pleasures I love, but I'm using my better judgement, and instead of as Sara Bareilles sings it-"Say What Ya Want To Say" also listening to my judgement, I'm remodeling my Blog.

I can't scrap a lot of the things that I can't control-people I am forced to spend time with that I don't want to, or holidays being pulled in a thousand different directions, or promises unkept, trips I want to take to see people I miss painfully, or having a not so blast from the past come back to haunt me, I can't control or scrap those things in my life so I'm remodeling what I CAN control. I guess this is better than chopping all my hair off right?

Here's to better days: