Monday, January 11, 2016

Your Purpose and Power

I was doing as I do most days and nights-driving my kids around town! We had just hit Target, and I was exhausted. It was nearing dinner time, and we were entering rush hour traffic. If you can imagine my Tahoe entering on the entrance ramp to the interstate behind a sea of red brake lights as far as I could see. So, I do as I do most days I take the inescapable environment of my car to talk to my kids. No screens, no phones, just us three with each other in very close proximity. The car. With no sarcasm whatsoever I truly mean this-the car is a sacred place for me and the kids. We get a lot of life lessons down together in that car and have for the last 8 years.

I start asking my middle schooler about her school day. I have a laundry list of events I ask about to pull info out of her-

Laundry List:

What did you eat for lunch?
Who did you sit with?
Did you have recess?
Who did you play with? (Mom, we don't "play")
Who did you recess with?
Do you have homework?
What was Chapel about?

You know you never know when one of the laundry list items will hopefully spark a moment where your middle school daughter will actually forget she's too cool and start an actual conversation.

Chapel-that was the jackpot. She smiles and giggles and starts telling me the speaker in Chapel that day had a very soothing, low monotone voice and that by the end everyone was in a sleep like trance.

So I ask, "Well, what was the topic?"

She said, "Finding Your Power and Purpose."

I said, "Wow, that's an important topic! Well, what is it?? How do you know your purpose?"

She said, "Mom I told you about the speaker's voice! I don't know! I was zoning out trying to stay awake."

I said, "Well of all topics that would have been a good one to pay attention to!" Secretly thinking how awesome it would be to know-to unlock the key-to finding our power and purpose in life by the end of the speech in chapel.

And that's when W piped in from the back seat. Really, I didn't realize he was paying a lick of attention to us when he said in the most calm, peaceful, confident, assuring, loving voice-

"The purpose of life mom, is to worship God."

It was so out of the blue and simple and unexpected, I was taken aback at his wisdom and confidence in his purpose as well as all of our purpose-Why we are here.

I said, "You are so right W."

Secretly, I couldn't have had anything else said to me to reassure me of all the decisions I have made for that boy. Because he got it. He truly got it. And didn't flinch. A little man leading the way spiritually right in our Tahoe.

I felt a jolt of peace and comfort with his explanation as though every heartache, every trial, every tribulation, every triumph is to teach me one thing-Serve God and worship Him through it all because THAT is my purpose. Nothing else matters. Not my job, my salary, my crowd I hang with, my house, my car, my clothes. None of it. It's serving and worshiping God.

Years ago when we lived in our little brick townhouse W was in pre-K and asked me (in the car) if super powers were real. I said I thought they were, and we were given the most powerful super power of all. Love.

So that's it.

It's that simple, no mystery. Our purpose is to worship God and our Power through Him is to love each other-the greatest commandment of all. Love God and Love others.

All the rest is fluff-job, house, pets, material things. Just fluff.

May you find peace and hope and joy and power in your purpose.

So below this bog post I shared the Chris Tomlin video Good Good Father. I encourage you to listen to it and rest assured-You were created with a Purpose and there is Power in that.

Happy Monday! I love you and even better God loves you!

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