Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Make Space

This time of year-the Autumnal-time of year where everything is yellowish golden outside I relish the fact that I live in the state of Tennessee. As I was writing my grandmother today I was trying to find the right words to describe fall in Tennessee to her. The only thing I could think of was when the weather is as nice as today in the low 70s and the sky has a golden hue and the leaves are amber, red, brown, and floating down from trees it feels I am surrounded by the Holy Spirit.

This is the time of year I cling to my family in the walls of my home. This is the time of year I cook and bake and feel creative. As I was writing my letter in my craft room I couldn't help but appreciate that that space used to be a useless 20 foot long 5 1/2 foot wide closet! It was filled with old wire closet racks and clothes that honestly should be donated and were hanging in the useless closet attached to a fabulous bonus room that was the kids play room and family movie room. I sometimes have this weird thought that "if" I lived house would have a craft room or my bedroom would look a certain way. Why do we as moms and wives do that? Why do we convince ourselves we have to sacrifice to be a spouse or mother the things we would really love. Something clicked that it wasn't fair to myself or my husband for me to think like this because I am not just the housekeeper, cook, nurse, pet caretaker. I live here too! So I began to design in my journal my craft room in the shape of this long 20 ft closet with a slanted ceiling. Then one day on a whim I stopped by Home Depot (in my pajamas) after dropping the kids off at school and decided to just "browse" to see what kind of things they had for my craft closet that in my head was bright lime green, with a white desk the entire length of the 20 feet wall propped on bookshelves for all my books and scrapbook supplies, with more floating shelves on each end for my collection of books, and with blank walls filled with my and my children and family's art.

Truthfully I thought this venture would cost a fortune, but... I saw these finished white plywood desk tops 10 feet long for 19 bucks each! I realized OMG I could build this desk in a few minutes for under a hundred bucks?! Then I scrambled and found the perfect lime green paint and the rest is history. In 5 hours flat the closet was turned into what is now a safe haven for me and my kids. I even had to add another chair because they insisted on being in there with me at all times. Turns out what I needed they needed as well. A place to just be creative.

The other night I was cleaning and cooking and my husband was coming home from a business trip and I said to the kids, "Go make your dad a welcome home sign." They went to the craft room and came back with masterpieces! There was a place for everything in one spot-markers, sharpies, pens, pencils, scissors, posters. And the space made them feel creative. It serves the purpose of creativity so well.

What is it you need more of in your life? Make a space for it and you will receive it! Is it rest?

Is it relaxation even in front of the TV or behind a book?

Take spaces in your home and ask is it functional or does it bring me joy? If not get rid of it, or change it. Do with your space what is good for you and your family. Do you need a place of solitude?

Do you need seating somewhere so you can sit and have coffee together or enjoy a view?

Is there a corner that you may not realize it but when you see it, it causes you stress? De-clutter, add a memento that you like looking at. Make it a space that exudes joy.

Make a dining room that you actually will use and take the time to sit at the family table and eat dinner. We were sitting at the small breakfast table for dinner but I realized we never used the dining room. It just feels better to use that space in the evenings now and save the breakfast table for breakfast! Plus I don't have to windex the glass three times a day now which was driving me crazy!

Do you have a million pictures on your hard drive but none on your walls? Print them out and display your favorite vacations or moments.

Make a scripture board for the month or year and put it where you will see it going in and out of your house. Put your beliefs and faith on your walls for you and anyone in your home to see. It subconsciously, I think, brings you peace.

Utilize the parks, biking trails, recreational areas that are in walking distance to improve your physical health. The physical is deeply tied to the mental and spiritual. Make space in your head to reflect on something in nature or art in your home.

Start small like a drawer or a closet. Reorganize or refurbish one small space a day. After my craft closet was done I redecorated my laundry room the very next day. It was horrendous but now is a happy place where I love making everyone's clothes smell fresh and clean and organized!

Don't think you can't do it yourself or that you have to pay a fortune. Start small. Make your house your home. A safe haven. A place of rest. A functional source of joy! You won't regret it. You may find in the end you save money by cleaning and organizing. You have more time to enjoy your life, and things may start running smoother!


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