Friday, November 21, 2014

This is What I Hoped it Would Be...

The past week has been busy, fulfilling, emotional in good ways. I tutor a student that was mine last year. I go work with him every Monday and Wednesday. On Sunday night I got a call from him that he was just back from the hospital. His blood pressure and heart rate were very high. He was calling to tell me he wouldn't be at school the next day for our tutoring. I couldn't help worry because he is not my child but I care for him very much like he is and I was left feeling helpless.

I spent the next day having a lazy day! Resting.

I had an allergy test on Wednesday so I couldn't get in to see T for tutoring but left a message. I always knew I had severe allergies due to red swollen, itchy eyes. Sneezing. Angry ears, eyes, nose, throat, skin. But what I really wanted to know was was I lactose or gluten intolerant to help me customize my diet as least restrictively as I can while still helping my IC and IBS. I was sent to an allergist by my GI Dr.'s nurse.

After a skin test and 3 hours later they told me everything I was allergic to with proof all over my arms!

Apparently I am severely allergic to dust mites (more than I knew actually!), cats (knew this), cockroaches (who would have even known??), grasses, pollen, and........gulp......a minor allergy to.........dogs!

The good news is that it was minor compared to the dust, cats, grass, and others. They had to inject the dog allergen under the skin with a needle to get it to show a flare so I'm not that worried but I will take more care of keeping him clean and vacuuming and taking my Allegra. My allergist even suggested more than one a day. I was told not to be the person to vacuum anymore, mow the grass, wash and brush the dog, or dust! Hahahhahaha can you even imagine? I do all those things weekly-all at once!

Anyway I digress. Hour #3 they inform me that they don't do the lactose intolerance tests there. So I leave with a lot of nose spray prescriptions and no info on lactose or gluten. They suggest the elimination diet to find out. She says based from what I have tried it could be gluten sensitivity.

Anyway, after the torture allergy test appointment I get to meet W for his Thanksgiving feast at school. He is so happy to have Paul and I there with him. It felt so good to sandwich him in at the lunch table and just have our presence there with him, our little 2nd grader!

I didn't eat although it looked and smelled delicious because afterward I rushed over to have lunch with my long lost girlfriends who I haven't seen in ages because they are busy having babies and once you have a new baby you go MIA for a while which I understand! It was great. We caught up as much as we could in an hour!

It was a great day. This is the first time I have had time to do all of those things-dr. appointment, be at my son's school function, AND lunch with the girls?? This is the kind of day I had hoped for. And all in time to casually head on over to the kids' car lines at school. No rush. No big deal.

Then yesterday (Thursday) I decided to head over to the middle school to check on my T. When I got there he was still absent. This alarmed me a bit since he's been out all week. He's not usually absent unless he's very sick or the bus doesn't pick him up. So I went in the hall and called his mom. He was still sick and very dehydrated. I went and told the principal who didn't know he was even sick. Then I went to W's school and substitute taught for a pre-first grade class.

It was an interesting experience for sure! Teaching 6 year olds for the first time (I'm used to 10 year olds). But what really made an impact on me was the teacher. She has had some serious health issues-has overcome cancer twice and now is looking for a solution to some health problems so she can simply continue teaching. She is a veteran teacher and I was amazed at how she just loved those kids. How much she had and is going through and still working as much as she can. Because she loves it.

Note to self-6 year olds are NOT my niche!

At the end of the day I picked up my own kids and went to the grocery store to pick up some groceries and pick up some things for T.

I got everything I would want if I had been dehydrated or sick or what I would want to give my own kids!

Orange Juice
fruit popsicles
Ben and Jerry's icecream
cans of progresso chicken noodle soup
homemade sour dough bread
cheese sticks
ritz crackers shaped like snowflakes
a gigantic Hershey's bar
Gingerbread cookies

The kids and I drove over to T's house to deliver it. It was good to see that he was ok. His mom and grandmother invited us in but we just dropped the things off and left quickly since T was sick. He was happy to see me and M since they were in 3rd grade together. On the way home I felt like crying. Seeing how much they needed those things. Knowing many of those things would not be a necessity for them but a treat.

As I drove home I realized how lucky I am. We are. My family. How spoiled even in the tight and tough times. I realized my rough days are still a dream compared to so so many single moms and kids all over our country. It made me happy that I had the day to focus on T knowing if I were working all this year I would not have the time or the energy to focus on him and his family like I was able to.

I prayed for the teacher I subbed for after she left. I prayed for T's healing in the parking lot of the middle school that day. On my ride home I prayed for his single mother who cares for him and his sister as well as her mother.

I got home and unloaded my groceries.

I cooked a luxurious meal.

I looked around our home. It was so much. Too much. I felt ashamed that I would ever worry. Ever feel any discontentment after experiencing this day.

I am healthy. I don't have cancer or any major debilitating illnesses. I have job opportunities and a higher degree and can just go in to work when we need extra money. I have food in my kitchen. Not just the necessities but a German Chocolate cake on my counter I got to make with my son who loves cooking. Twizzlers hiding in the pantry. Milk, juice, cheese, meat. Everything we could possibly need. My kids don't want for anything.

I woke up today and like everyday this week I woke my kids up. I brewed my husband's coffee and fixed it the way he likes in his travel mug. I made lunches for the 3 of them. I cooked scrambled eggs and served them with apple fritters. I brought my kids to school. I cleaned our house and enjoyed being in it filled to the brim with peace and quiet. I washed the allergens from the dog! I baked myself some lemon poppyseed muffins and made myself the perfect healing tea with white Christmas tea, marshmallow root, peppermint tea, chamomile, ginger paste, and honey.

And I sat being thankful. This is exactly what I had hoped for when I wanted to stay at home this year. I wanted to care more intentionally for my kids and husband, my home, even my dog who was spending the day in the bathroom all last year when I worked everyday. I wanted to spend quality time with my friends being there for each other through life. I wanted to help others, serve others, serve Him. I wanted to do it joyfully with peace and serenity not like a frenetic stress tornado. And this week that's what I got to do. That's what I hoped this staying home business would be like!


  1. So happy you are able to do these things for T! Please tell him that I miss him and think of him often the next time you see him!

    1. I will! You would be very proud of him this year. He has a great teacher that is really encouraging this year.
