Friday, September 19, 2014

The Life You Create

On my desk upstairs that is in the window inset of the playroom that my husband surprised me with for my 35th birthday, I have a little sign that reads:

I truly believe this to the core of my being.

I remember being in high school scrolling through what I wanted to major in and "be" when I grew up. I loved competitive debate so the thrilling need for success part of me wanted to be a lawyer. But more than debate I loved children. So I thought child psychologist. I settled on that a long while and tried for a couple of months to picture me doing that.

Then one day before I started college but very close to starting I changed my mind. I had an epiphany that whatever you do for your job should bring you joy. I imagined all the years as a kid playing school.

I realized I could work and feel like I was playing and that's how I chose education.

I also realize that we are allowed to change our lives at any moment. I've blogged about the moment my kids were 4 and 7 and I realized I wanted to be with them and teach them more than other people's kids! That was the moment I decided to make a huge change that came to fruition 3 years later-which is now-staying at home to be a mom and wife full time.

There are things I do that are by my own accord (accord-give or grant someone power, status, recognition) that bring me insurmountable joy. Insurmountable-too great to overcome.

Yes, I do things that bring me so much joy that nothing can overcome it :) And I grant myself the power to do so....and even more powerful- I do it in Jesus' name because he wants us to live loving joyous lives.

I feel like many times we are too busy comparing ourselves and bathing in the misery of being lesser than to enjoy what exquisite gifts we already have. I imagine this is just what the devil wants. To divert us from our joy to a path of never ending misery.

When I take control of bringing in and keeping my joy and not placing it on the burden of how others treat me, think of me, acknowledge me....I win!

I realize sometimes I get frustrated or angry that my husband doesn't do this or do that or be like this with our kids like I am or I do, but I am realizing just like I am in control of my joy he is in control of his and we cannot expect everyone to experience joy the same way.

This is what brings me joy:

Creating a home that rises up to greet me (as I've heard on Oprah how a home should be!)

There are certain things I put in my home on walls, on the fridge, all around and when I pass them I feel joy. Reminders. Memories of moments. Jokes. Mantras for life. Words :) Flowers. Things that create feelings of comfort in me.

Also magazine and books-everywhere :)

My sister's art. When I see it I see her and everything she is-beautiful, creative, giving, my second mom.

Memories and accomplishments:

Build your house. Create the life you want. I don't get to do this every morning but usually every week or so, I don't have appointments, volunteering, errands and the house is quiet, the weather is cool and fallish and I make myself the same favorite breakfast I love one egg, wheat toast with blackberry preserves my mom got me from the Loveless Cafe.

Today after I ate I was just sitting. It was cool but the sun was out and I was just watching my dog and a butterfly flew right on my shirt and landed on my tray.

It was so pretty I thought it looked like it could have been painted on the tray. That is just joy. It's simple. It's free. It's not work. It's a gift.

The other day after volunteering at W's school I got to go visit a friend and cuddle her 9 month old baby. I got to pick him up straight from his crib and feed him a bottle. Smell the new baby from heaven smell. That is beyond joy for me it's like a miracle on Earth. Then we met up later for pedicures. The friendship is the joy-way better than even a pedicure. But in between that I went to Panera and had a sandwich outside and watched a little brown bird scrounging for crumbs. It was quiet and there was only a few people around in the middle of a weekday. I had been running like crazy all week from appointment to appointment, copying papers, working at W's school, trying to do things for the kids. And here I was at this peaceful breezy outdoor table having a rare moment of solitude.

It cost me a whopping $ experience this kind of peace and quiet and a great meal. I decided to put that on my repeat list!

Then there is unexpected joy. It happens like teachable moments for teachers with students. The unplanned but so entertaining. The other day a hummingbird got stuck in our garage that was open. He would not fly out. We tried scaring him out with a broom. Nothing worked. Finally my husband gave it a try after my failed attempts. He made this make shift hummingbird net out of his golfing net and broom. When he got the bird finally it looked like it was nearly dead. Wouldn't move. I realized soon though he was the true meaning of scared to death. When Paul let him go outside of the garage he flew with a burst of energy high up into a tree next-door. I was squealing with delight-He lives he lives! We laughed because we have seen a bunny die right before our very eyes at our other house and thought for a second this could be a repeat-the exact opposite of joy! Haha.

Many times in my life from a very early age I have "learned" depression. I saw the effects of drugs, alcohol, and depression on people I loved. I learned it. I had to Unlearn it. I had to learn joy. Research it. Practice it. Write about it. Seek it.

I truly believe God gives us desires, hobbies, and quirks that bring us each a unique kind of joy, whether it is cooking, working, learning, fishing, painting, singing, nature, fashion. The list is limitless.

Use the desires of your heart that God placed there to embrace and bring joy because as you look around there is a plethora of things that are waiting to bring us joy!

And never never forget-HIS GRACE is new every morning! So if you don't get it right today. Like I usually don't. Try again tomorrow with your new grace :)

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