Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thanking God They are Still Little

Yesterday I was on a mission to get my daughter some more ProActive for her sweet little face that has been breaking out (bringing horrible memories of my breakouts during middle school years!) So we headed to the mall. When we got there the kiosk was empty of employees with a be back later sign. Meanwhile my son spotted a Build-A-Bear workshop across from us that he wanted so desperately to go look at. I knew this was a commitment to actually build a bear, but since he had asked about doing this at the start of summer and I had actually put it on our summer bucket list in my journal I felt we should get it done! We went in and even though my son has done this before he had hardly any recollection of it since he was only about 3 years old. He picked a shark puppet and began building. He loved every minute of it! It has changed a lot since 4 years ago. Build-A-Bear is a lot more digital now and has new things like placing personalities in the heart of the bear (or in our case shark!) He was so happy at one point my 10 year old who decided she was too old and nothing looked like her thing in this store leaned over and whispered to me, "Sometimes I forget how little Warner really is." I gave her a squeeze. She was thinking exactly what I was, and she and I were enjoying him enjoying being a barely 7 year old "little" boy. At the end we had a puppet shark, with the star wars sound in his hand, wearing a Darth Vader outfit with a red lightsaber in his fin. I really was taking in the lazy unplanned day and just felt so thankful that my sweet daughter and son were still little. It goes so very fast. We then went to the Franklin location of CoolSprings Plastic Surgery and met all the staff that dad works with. The kids were excited to see dad's new office and know where he worked. Dr. Moore even warned me about them playing with as his son so long ago called them "water muffins"! I feel like after this summer the little moments will slowly fade away and although I will miss them dearly I will get to enjoy a new stage of my kids' life. Until then though I am thanking God they are still little!

1 comment:

  1. That's the most awesome 'bear' I've ever seen. So cool!! xo
